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Amnesia The Bunker wrench location

May 10, 2023

We tell you how to get the code necessary to open the locker and grab the wrench in this spine-tingling instalment in the Amnesia series

Andrew Farrell

Published: Jun 5, 2023

Where is the wrench in Amnesia The Bunker? On your way to escaping the titular location, you’ll find that you need a wrench to remove bolts from grates in order to progress. We’ve taken the necessary, very cautious, steps to find it for you, so buckle in.

As you’re working your way through the bunker in the horror game, you might be wondering how we found our first hands-on experience with Amnesia The Bunker – but our preview can fill you in.

The game is very clear in showing you that this item resides in Foreman Stafford's locker in Mission storage, so you’ll need to find the dog tag by his body. Actually getting to his body is, naturally, the hard part. I’m going to break down exactly how you can get to him, so after you’ve lifted the emergency lockdown, it's time to get a move on.

Head to the Soldier's Quarters right near the generator room. You’ll notice that Maintenance is written right alongside Soldier's Quarters on a sign on the wall, so head inside. Run straight and take a right, and then go down the stairs where you’ll see some rats. Either get rid of the rats or run through them (which will lead to taking some significant damage).

Keep moving forward and you’ll enter the Maintenance hallway. Straight ahead you’ll see a rat near a red glow. Approaching it slowly will spook it, which will start a fire. Once this happens, the stalker will spawn and you’ll need to hide and wait for the fire to stop. To better deal with this, run straight past the rat instead of approaching carefully and the fire will start behind you. You can use this to avoid the scripted stalker emergence.

Run past the Foreman's Quarters and take a left at the obstruction, past the pantry. Enter the workshop and take a right and you’ll see a tunnel filled with rats. Throw a gas grenade and wait for it to clear or use regular grenades. Alternatively, you can attempt to get through while taking damage and just heal as needed.

Shortly after, you’ll emerge in another area. To your left is a cathedral. Enter it and you’ll see confession boxes to your right. Enter the middle one and you’ll find the pillbox key. Go back to the crawlspace you emerged from that was filled with rats and you’ll find the locked pillbox. Enter the room, climb the ladder, and then get the dog tags off of the foreman's body. Go back to Mission Storage and open his locker to claim the wrench.

With the wrench in hand you’ll be able to go and get the bolt cutters, which will allow you to progress deeper into the game. Keep in mind that these items take up an inventory space, so plan accordingly, lest you find yourself unable to acquire new items. If you need a breather from all of that hiding, why not check out what we thought of Amnesia The Bunker when we got our hands on the demo at GDC?

Where is the wrench in Amnesia The Bunker?