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Oct 19, 2023

The 22-year-old was arrested at Cork Prison 11 days after the assault. File picture: Dan Linehan

A teenager coming home from a 21st birthday party with his friends in Bishopstown was attacked by a man who struck him with a claw-hammer into the face and in one downward blow to the top of his head which knocked him unconscious.

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Jake O’Sullivan of Fairfield Road, Farranree, Cork, was jailed for three years for this assault and for having €18,000 worth of cocaine for sale or supply and for stealing a motorbike and driving it dangerously. Judge Catherine Staines imposed the overall sentence on Jake O’Sullivan at Cork Circuit Criminal Court following his plea of guilty to all charges against him.

Defence barrister, Niamh Stewart, said the 22-year-old was very high on cocaine on the night of the assault. Senior Counsel, Alice Fawsitt, called evidence from the defendant's family outlining steps the young man had taken to rehabilitate since these offences were committed.

Detective Sergeant Kieran O’Sullivan outlined the background to three crimes, commencing with the assault which occurred shortly before midnight on October 2, 2021.

"A group of friends from the Bishopstown area were returning from a 21st and they gathered at the forecourt of Texaco at Firgrove, Bishopstown. A car pulled up on the forecourt with three males in the car. They got out and approached the group of youths. Words were exchanged. A punch was thrown by one of the three men – not Jake O’Sullivan – and the row got heated.

"Jake O’Sullivan returned to the car and took a claw-hammer from inside the vehicle. He began swinging it. He singled out one of the group, who was 18 years old.

Jake O’Sullivan is seen on CCTV striking him about the face with a claw-hammer, he then strikes him on top of the head causing him to fall back unconscious on to the forecourt.

"He was removed by ambulance to Cork University Hospital where he was treated for the injury to his head and cracked teeth.

"Jake O’Sullivan was identified as the male with the claw-hammer. He is clearly seen on excellent quality CCTV discarding it to a neighbouring premises. He cleans the handle of the hammer prior to discarding it," Det. Sgt O’Sullivan said.

The 22-year-old was arrested 11 days later at Cork Prison and was taken to Gurranabraher garda station where he was interviewed on two occasions and made no comment.

Two other offences

Between the Bishopstown incident and that interview, his house was searched on October 9, 2021, with a search warrant and the gardaí found €18,000 worth of cocaine and various drug paraphernalia, including weighing scales, baggies and a phone with evidence of drug-dealing. Before this cocaine seizure, the young man had two previous drug-dealing convictions.

In a third incident on July 18, 2022, he stole a Benelli motorbike from outside a house at Victoria Cross in Cork and within two hours gardaí encountered him driving it on the other side of the city. He pleaded guilty to seven counts of dangerous driving arising out of that.

The bike was driven at speed along Harbour View Road, over the roundabout, and no effort was made to go around it. It was then driven at speed on Knocknaheeny Avenue, Ascension Heights, Churchfield Green, Churchfield Way Upper, Churchfield Road and Dunmore Gardens, frequently driven on the incorrect side of the road, Det. Sgt O’Sullivan said.

The motorcycle went out of control and crashed at Dunmore Gardens, and Jake O’Sullivan fled but was arrested following a short foot-chase.

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