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Resident Evil Fans Mourn The Loss Of Bolt Cutters In RE4 Remake

Sep 10, 2023

Taken too soon.

Resident Evil 4 remake has everything you'd expect from the original game. It's got Leon, Ashley, alien parasites that turn the residents of a Spanish village into homicidal chainsaw-wielding maniacs, a tiny Margaret Thatcher, and the ability to kill yourself by shooting at the lake. But it is missing one thing that has been in every Resident Evil game since RE7. I of course refer to the humble-yet-useful bolt cutters.

True, bolt cutters weren't in the original Resident Evil 4, but that hardly matters to disappointed Resident Evil fans. They were in Resident Evil 7, where they were used to cut through a locked cabinet. They were in both the RE2 and RE3 remakes, where they were used to get to several areas that were otherwise inaccessible. And the bolt cutters could be found in Resident Evil Village where they were pretty much immediately used to go through a locked gate and were never needed again.

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Resident Evil 4 doesn't even bother putting in the bolt cutters just to keep the streak alive. Fans are truly disappointed that Capcom killed off the bolt cutters, with several posts on Reddit mourning the loss of perhaps the most useful of tools for a zombie apocalypse.

"Can't believe we lost this integral RE Engine character in Re4r," wrote SomeNamelessNomad. "The biggest disappointment of RE4 Remake so far," agreed Jolly_Statistician_5 in another post. "No bolt cutters."

There are several other posts where Redditors noted the absence of their beloved bolt cutters. But one Redditor still clings to hope that the bolt cutters "will appear in a DLC." The Mercenaries DLC arrives on Friday, while datamines point to Separate Ways is currently in development.

We can only hope that Capcom will hear players' cries and include bolt cutters in RE4's upcoming DLC. In the meantime, here's a great way to kill the chainsaw sisters without actually fighting them.

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Freelance writer and contributor at The Gamer, Sean hails from Toronto, Canada. If you ask Sean what he likes, he'll say, "Robots, Ninjas, donuts - in that order."