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Men told they acted like 'bloody fools' in Norwich fight

Nov 24, 2023

Two men who were fighting in the street after one of them attacked the other's daughter have been told they acted like "bloody fools".

Robert Clay, 39, of Paragon Place, Norwich, was in a "toxic" relationship with the daughter of Lee Smith and assaulted her twice after they split up.

Norwich Crown Court heard Smith's daughter told him what happened prompting him to visit Clay last November.

Lori Tucker, prosecuting, said Smith had a rubber mallet which he used to bang on the window.

She said that "Clay exited the property with a knife" and neighbours "became aware of the two defendants rolling around fighting in the street".

Miss Tucker said the "catalyst" had been two assaults by Clay on Smith's daughter in November 2021.

Clay appeared at court on Wednesday (May 10) having admitted having a bladed article in November 2022 as well as two common assaults in November 2021.

Smith, of Pettus Road, Norwich, had previously admitted affray and possession of an offensive weapon.

Both were sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, suspended for two years.

Recorder Michael Turner told them "frankly you've both acted like bloody fools" adding "you've each come within a whisker of prison".

Oliver Haswell, mitigating for Clay, said neither he nor Smith had "showered themselves in glory" as a result but insisted he had pleaded guilty to what he did.

Stephen Spence, for Smith, said these were two people who should have behaved in a far more grown up manner but insisted his client received a "degree of provocation".

Clay was also ordered to carry out up to 30 days rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) and a six month mental health treatment requirement.

He was also fined £200 for the assaults on his former partner and banned from contacting her for three years.

Clay and Smith were both banned from contacting each other for three years.

Smith was also ordered to undertake 80 hours unpaid work and complete 30 days RAR.